SNOWBOARDING CAMBER/ROCKER - What are the differences? - Motion Boardshop

SNOWBOARDING CAMBER/ROCKER - What are the differences?

Snowboard technology has came a long way in the past decade.  Some of the biggest advances in snowboard tech is the development of Camber and Rocker.


Traditional Camber -  A bend in the shape of a snowboard raising the middle of the snowboard slightly.  This shape engages the tips of the snowboard, pressing the nose and tail edges into the snow giving the rider a high level of control and locked in edge hold on groomed snow.  This type of snowboard floats less in fresh snow than other shapes and is more catchy and grabby



Rocker / Reverse Camber - A bend in the shape of a snowboard raising the nose and tail of the snowboard slightly.  This shape engages the nose and tail edges of your snowboard less and in return gives your snowboard higher maneuverability and float on top of heavy or deep snow.  This is a more forgiving ride because the tip and tail are engaged into the snow less, making the snowboard less catchy.



 Flat Camber -  Having no bend in the shape of the snowboard, giving the rider a decent amount of edge control without being too aggressive for the beginning rider.  A fairly basic style of snowboard, featured on a large amount of our rental snowboard fleet. 




Hybrid Camber -  A hybrid shaped snowboard features the best of both worlds.  Either Camber dominate with Camber between foot, or Rocker dominant with Rocker between foot. Hybrid shapes are our favorites style of snowboards for an All Mountain Style of riding,  Caber dominate hybrids will have a great amount of control on groomers while maintain a large amount of float on fresh and deep snow.  Rocker dominate hybrids will also have a large amount of control on groomers but will be slightly more maneuverable and playful; rocker dominant hybrids are great in extra deep powder and between the trees, giving the rider an awesome amount of  control and quick maneuverability while riding through deep powder.


What is best shape for you?

The best way to find out what kind of snowboard is best for yourself is to ride each style!  We offer Performance Demos of every flavor for you to come try before you buy.  We have all of the expert advice that goes along with this as well, to help educate and advise on the best type of camber/rocker profile is suited best for your desired style of riding.

All Mountain : All Mountain style riding, from ripping groomers to hunting powder hiding between the trees.  You need a board that has a solid amount of on edge control but still has a great amount of float and agilness for getting through the deeper snow and tighter spaces.  Choosing a Hybrid, with Camber between the feet and Rocker through the tips will suit your style the best.  

Free Style : Free style riding,  Jumps, Jibs, and all other sorts of jankieness.  If you enjoy preforming tricks and spins on your snowboard you will want a board with quite a forgiving amount of edge hold and a lot of maneuverability.  A full rocker shaped snowboards is going to be ideal for your style.

Alpine : Alpine or Free Carve style riding,  high speeds and perfectly carved lines.  This style of riding is best done with the control and precision of a full camber styled snowboard.

Deep Snow : Deep into the back country or just off piece a ways, for those extra deep days you want a board that features a great deal of rocker throughout the shape of the snowboard.  A full rocker snowboard will get you though deeper snow with ease compared to a full camber style board.  There are also great hybrid cam/rock snowboards specifically designed for powder that feature rocker between the feet and camber through the tip and tail. 

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